Thursday, September 4, 2008

It's not the easiest thing to do, to just up and leave everything that you've known for almost 20 years. Well we did it. We are somewhere between Chicago and Milwaukee, hugging Lake Michigan. It's raining today--hurricane Gustav, so they say. Nice and cool here, though.

So, when did life become so filled with stuff. Have you ever tried to simplify and found that that too became complicated? Is this an American thing? How many Americans rail against materialism? Do so many just ask a string of questions?

The reason we're here is because of God and His kingdom. That can sound kind of scary to some, I know--almost cultish. "Yeah we're following a church." It's not that cut and dried. We moved because of a couple of reasons. It's a healthy church. We want to be healthy in heart. So we move...or maybe Someone moved us!

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Searching for God and great trout waters in and around this beautiful state while playing my vintage D-28